Explore Our Domains
and Technologies

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Our team of experts comes from a wide range of research and practical backgrounds. Find out more about our domains and the key technologies we work with.

view our open positions

Being Part of the Team

A Workplace Where Ideas Thrive

As software permeates every aspect of our lives we chose agile delivery in every aspect of our work. We prioritize a high iteration speed for increased learning and innovation rates.

As our work becomes more impactful we support each other to specialize in narrower aspects of the overall delivery.

Are you ready to join our team?

Mobilab Portrait Radu Director of Engineering

Radu Creanga,
Director of Engineering

”Individual knowledge grows when it is applied. Group knowledge grows when it is shared. Organisation knowledge grows when sharing is ingrained in the company culture. My job is to foster knowledge sharing. My satisfaction is watching it grow.“

United in One Goal: Cloud Integration

We see Cloud Integration as the vehicle which brings digital transformation to our customers – for each employee in every line of business. This vertical integration of infrastructure, data, and application layers is what allows them to operate at their full data potential – anytime & anywhere.

Cloud Services Triangle - Cloud Integration - Cloud Adoption - Data Integration - Cloud Native Services - Overview

Cloud Adoption

We migrate our customers’ workloads to the Cloud, build private Cloud infrastructures, or implement Cloud governance frameworks.


Data Integration

We automate a reliable Data Integration from source to destination and create a shared understanding of data for everyone involved in decision making.


Cloud Native Services

We augment our clients’ teams with experts to re-build and refactor applications to the extent that all infrastructure concerns are offloaded to the platform.


Technologies We Work With

Tech stack - Cloud Adoption

tech stack mobilab - cloud adoption-3

“We believe that the future promises a seamless and infinitely scalable infrastructure that gets out of the way when leveraging an organization's full data potential. At MobiLab, we deliver on this promise through a transformative foundation work that discovers, extends, and integrates the existing environment with the cloud and introduces cloud-native processes and tools that help organizations across the globe become - truly - Cloud Native.”

João Rodrigues, Director of Cloud Adoption

MobiLab Portrait Joao Director of Cloud Adoption

Tech stack - Data Integration

tech stack mobilab - Data Integration

“Uncovering value from data is the foundation of our future, while crafting scalable value is the key to industry leadership. Our goal is to empower our customers to effortlessly integrate data and AI into their everyday lives.”

Severin Müller-Platz, Head of Data Integration

MobiLab Portrait Severin Head of Data Integration

Tech stack - Cloud Native Services

tech stack mobilab - cloud native solutions
MobiLab Portrait Fardin Director of Product and Processes

“We believe the realm of Cloud is a collaborative canvas, and we weave our belief into the fabric of our way of work. Our efforts go beyond fashioning top-tier Cloud Native solutions for our clients; we extract wisdom from the boundless reservoir of learning opportunities that the cloud presents to us, much like an alchemist extracting precious secrets from the cosmic ether!”

Fardin Karimi, Director of Product & Processes

MobiLab Blog:
Insights From Our Software Artists

Interested in Joining Our Team?

Have a look at our open positions or send us an email with your CV and a short description of the position that you would like to fill at MobiLab. We promise to read it and get in touch if we need someone with your profile!